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Exhibition History

Solo and Duo Shows


2019      New Haven, CT                  Yale Divinity School  Exile and Revelation: The Art of                                                                       Charlotte Lichtblau

2019      New Haven, CT                  Hull’s Gallery Charlotte Lichtblau, Portrait of the Artist

2015      New York, NY                     George Billis Gallery, Chelsea Charlotte Lichtblau,                                                                           Vienna to New York

2015       New York, NY                George Billis Gallery (w/ sculptor Sy Gresser) Chthonic /                                                              Sublime





2010       New York, NY                    Rubin Private Gallery  A Lost World, Images of                                                                                 Altuassee

2009       New Haven, CT                 St. Thomas More, Yale University Incarnate: Images of                                                                      Lent

2008       New York, NY                    St. Vincent Ferrer Church Incarnate: Images of Lent for                                                                   Advent

2003       Bad Aussee, Austria        Pfarrheim Art Center Origin and Transformation

1994       Vienna, Austria                 Palais Palffy Charlotte Lichtblau (Solo show)

1992       Dallas, TX                          Biblical Arts Center

1986       New York, NY                    Greene St. Gallery  Birthrights, Blood Rites (w/ sculptor                                                                   Sy Gresser)

1986       Durham, NC                      University Chapel, Duke University Birthrights, Blood                                                                       Rites (w/ sculptor Sy Gresser)

1985       Sweet Briar, VA                 Sweet Briar College The Innermost Soul (w/ sculptor                                                                        Sy Gresser)

1976       New York, NY                    Museum of Religious Art, Cathedral of St. John the                                                                           Divine

1974       New York, NY                    Museum of Religious Art, Cathedral of St. John the                                                                           Divine

1974       New York, NY                    Fordham University

1974       New Haven, CT                Yale Divinity School

1974       New York, NY                    St. Peter’s Lutheran Church

1973       New York, NY                    NoHo Gallery

1972       New Haven, CT                 Yale Divinity School

1971       Baltimore, MD                   Gormley Gallery, College of Notre Dame

1971       Cambridge, MA                Eliot House, Harvard University

1968       New Haven, CT                 Pierson College, Yale University

1960s     New York, NY                    Center Gallery – a series of four shows with sculptor                                                                         Hana Geber

1960s     Litchfield, CT                     Litchfield Gallery

1960s     New York, NY                    Capricorn Gallery

1960s     New York, NY                    Van Bovenkamp Gallery

1960s     Brussels, Belgium             La Gallerie Mistral

Group Shows

1991       Dallas, TX                         Biblical Arts Center (group show)

1976-78  New York, NY                   Museum of Religious Art, Cathedral of St. John the                                                         Divine (4 shows)

1950s     Washington, DC                Corcoran Gallery of Art

1950s     New York, NY                    ACA Gallery

1950s     New York, NY                    Esthe Gallery

1950s     New York, NY                    Roko Gallery

1950s     New York, NY                    Lauren Gallery

1950s     New York, NY                    Leonard Gallery

1950s     New York, NY                    Capricorn Gallery

1950s     New York, NY                    Compass Gallery

1950s     Marietta, OH                     Marietta College

Published Works

2002       Origin and Transformation: Life and Art of the Painter Charlotte Lichtblau by Albert                        Lichtblau (author unrelated to artist)

1999       The Coming of Our God: Scriptural Reflections for Advent, Christmas and Epiphany                      by Patrick J. Ryan, S.J. (illustrations)

1990s     America Magazine – 4 years of weekly drawings illustrating weekly feature “The Word

1989       When I Survey The Wondrous Cross: Scriptural Reflections for Lent by Patrick J. Ryan,                  S.J. (illustrations)

1975       New Catholic World Magazine – “Relating My Works and Beliefs to Community” by                        Charlotte Lichtblau w/ illustrations

1970       Trace: Living Literature, Autumn 1970 – 8 paintings

Chthonic Flyer_edited.jpg
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Yale Daily News article

September, 2019

Event images:

©2019 by Hayden Smith

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